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繼承其恩師周志毅老師的善者品格,歐陽先生不吝贈畫與大多倫多中華文化中心圖書館,撥冗為文化中心開授班徒,同時慷慨捐出特選佳作供文化中心2015年度華讌作慈善拍賣,以及2015華社尼泊爾賑災籌款晚宴義賣 。歐陽先生的義舉和畫藝分別得到多倫多加中時報,世界日報等多家傳媒的專門報導。在2015年首屆於大多倫多中華文化中心舉辦的 “嶺南薪傳,鳥語花香”個人畫展期間,歐陽先生還舉行講座,即席示範嶺南畫派運筆用色基本技法,與現場觀眾分享和交流嶺南畫派的特點和基礎知識,並對其展出的畫作逐一作詳細介紹。



           竹樓齋主 歐陽耀東

OuYang YD

Ouyang started his colored brush painting classes in 1976, with one-on-one classes delivered by the famous Lingnan brush painting professor Zhou Zhiyi, heir of the brush painting master Zhao Shao-Ang.  Ouyang was graduated in 1984 with certificates on traditional Chinese painting major in natural scenes, with special training in detailing flowers, birds, foliage and etc.  His art pieces were selected the same year to show in one of the municipal art exhibition.


Ouyang immigrated to Toronto in 1994 and having a full time job as a Dim Sum specialist, but he has never given up his passion on painting over three decades. Ouyang’s Chinese colored brush pieces well demonstrate the heritage and characteristics of the famous Lingnan School of artists (嶺南畫派) formed in the late Qing Dynasty. His painting technique has become very mature and sophisticated and his application of colors very much represents the essence of Lingnan, bright yet harmonious which well reflects the true and beautiful nature. When you stand in front of Dong's paintings, you will forget being in the exhibition, but find yourself in a nice garden with colorful flowers, sweet fruits and singing birds...


A keen follower of his teacher, Ouyang inherited not only the painting techniques, but the love and kindness towards nature and people.  Ouyang has donated a couple of his selected art works to the library of The Chinese Culture Centre of Greater Toronto, to CCCGT’s 2015 Imperial Ball “Arts in Motion” bid; to the Charitable Fund-raising dinner for Nepal. All of this has caught attention from the major media, such as the Canada-China Times, the World News and etc. In his first solo exhibition in September 26 to October 1, Ouyang is to deliver a seminar on characteristics of Lingnan style, demonstration of painting strolls as well as  of meanings behind each of his paintings.

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